
Recap, and ramblings

So it is 2:08 am atm, barely monday

So home comming was great :], minus the whole 1+hours to take a damm picture that I know I look ugly in. I loveeeeeeee my girlfriend :]. No complaints that night. Pretty much after, I had a sleepover with carlo (yes on prop8) And thats it.


Woke up to my gay girlfriend text msging me. I Chilled with carlo, I wanted to see nicole but i couldin't cause my mom wanted to pick me up. So I get home back in Eastlake. I'm sitting there bored till josh saves the day. He tells me to get ready out of fucking no where and we go to Melissas's (<-- thats one of the only names in the world I cannot spell.) Because we were having a movie night. So while we were there the girls made me get a damm buddy poke :[ but rose made mine look cute :]. So basically it was just me bella melisa rose calyn josh paolo matt and myckee watching boondock saints. END

ATM; bullshit and randomness shit

-One of these fucking days I will lose it
-I have many internal problems
-I do actually have severe anger in me
-The little things bother me
-I love this weather
-I am hungry
-I will fuck you up one day
-You make me fucking angry
-Lol at the many secret things I don't even talk to carlo about
-I fucking hate when.... nvm... -_-

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